NB – Diary date
March 11th, 7.30pm
Woodmead Hall
For over five years the Society’s committee has actively supported efforts to get more affordable housing in the town. Efforts that have on most part been thwarted by both the lack of available building land within the Development Boundary and the rules for Rural Exception Sites for Affordable Housing not applying to Lyme because of the popukation limit.
Now, under the Coalition Government, things have changed. The population limit for Rural Exception Sites has increased to 5000 and the Community Right to Build has been introduced which means that if sufficient members of the community (and sufficient is a very high percentage) then the town can overrule the planners to gain planning permission for community needs such as housing.
Now would, therefore, seem the ideal time to start a Community Land Trust (CLT) in Lyme. This will allow land and property such as affordable housing to be owned by the community and to be kept as affordable housing in perpetuity – No more sell offs!!
The merry band pictured above have been investigating how a CLT should be set up in the town and will report back at a Public Meeting in Woodmead Hall on Monday 11th March at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along, listen to the proposals and give their support. The more the merrier!!
The Society’s Committee believes that the town needs affordable housing for our young workforce to ensure that Lyme remains the vibrant place that we all know and love.
Please come along to support this venture if you can.